1-on-1 SAT Preparation from Anywhere

SAT Preparation from Ethan Jones

Work with Ethan Jones, a Harvard Ph.D. student and world-class private tutor

Learn proven techniques for Reading, Writing and Math

Improve your score by getting inside the mind of the test maker​

Typical students increase their scores by ~150 points

Pay as you go ($75/hr), with no contracts or minimum lesson requirements

See what others are saying

Very knowledgeable SAT tutor!
Ethan has been tutoring my daughter in preparation for her upcoming SAT. He has a deep understanding of the test and knows what needs to be taught to master it. Ethan is always prepared with materials and practice exams, and works with clarity and patience. I highly recommend Ethan to anyone who is seeking a great SAT tutor!
Wonderful Tutor
Ethan is eager to help and knows how to reach high school students. He helped my son with SAT Test Prep. I wish we had found him sooner to spend more time prepping for the SAT. He was just what we were looking - you will not regret working with him.

Recent Score Improvements


Initial Score: 1230
Final Score: 1360
Preparation Time: 5 days


Initial Score: 1310
Final Score: 1470
Preparation Time: 3 weeks


Initial Score: 1310
Final Score: 1420
Preparation Time: 4 weeks


Initial Score: 1310
Final Score: 1420
Preparation Time: 5 weeks


Initial Score: 1320
Final Score: 1480
Preparation Time: 5 weeks


Initial Score: 1190
Final Score: 1410
Preparation Time: 8 weeks

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